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Here are the vehicles that have been in my life. Starting with the old Hillman Minx, and ending with the 2018 Black Kia Soul! . After that you will see a selection of vehicles I would like to own or at least have a drive in one day.

Also you can check out Mary Keeling's and Thomas Keeling's Cars on their own pages.

We certainly have a love of the Automobile here in the USA. But I would have to say, that my opinion is, the love affair is of the perceived "freedom" and not so much the object or the act of driving. This conclusion has been gained by observing the way people operate vehicles, or more exactly, what they are actually doing when they should be operating vehicles effectively. Cell phone, burgers, Starbucks, singing, losing it with the other road users, checking out the hot girl (or guy) on the side walk. We seem to do everything in our cars. Which is ok. Having been a Driving Instructor, I spent a lot of time pointing out the faults of our neighbors, and how that can affect our safety. Back to being OK. I always told my students, that, it does not matter what else you are doing, while driving, as long as you are giving one hundred percent of what the, act of driving, needs at any particular time. And that varies greatly depending on the situation. The key is, knowing what is needed and when, BEFORE it is needed.

Europeans, for the most part seem to be more into the actual driving. Hence I think there is more passion for driving there. Which might account for the fewer crashes in relation to the US.

One of the things that makes me laugh here in the states, is the common phrase, "there is no replacement for displacement". Well that is a pile of crap. I proved that to them Mustang GT Cobra boys many times, at the light, sitting in my Subie STI with half the cylinders and 200 HP less. And that, is just on take off. Handling however is just night and day. The Subie is useful with four doors, top safety rating, top longevity, and symmetrical all wheel drive. Technology! Any doubts, just check out the Nissan GTRs.

However, petrol (gas) is old hat. The performance, style, safety and luxury that is in the Tesla vehicles, is the future. All the EV (Electric Vehicles) have their merit. I think, for the average Joe, the Kia Soul EV, is an excellent package, ringing in at around $37.000 US. Still, a word of warning. With the exception of the Tesla which tops out about $150K US, and is marketed at the similar price luxury group, you need to do a cost-benefit analysis prior to acquiring one. If you think you can purchase an EV, and save money, you might have a shock. No pun intended. Take the Honda Fit EV (circa $37K 132city 105 hwympgE US)and compare it to the petrol Fit. (circa $17K and 33city 41hwympg US) A twenty grand difference in purchase price. Even with around one quarter the energy cost, it will take you a long time and lots of miles to break-even. Even if you ever do, once you start factoring in maintenance burden. Leasing is the ticket, so would be solar charging, for them smart enough to have invested in roof top solar. However, if you want to be "greener" or perhaps kick the oil barons a good one, then go ahead.

Still, in summation, automation will be here very shortly. Where we no longer drive, but just instruct our GPS (Global Positioning Systems) to take us to our desired destination. I have had long discussions with people, many of whom, think automation is a bad thing and will fail. Even coming outright saying "I will never do it" Well FYI, you do, every time you get on a commercial jet. Yes there will be some system glitches, and yes there will be casualties, but nowhere near the six hundred thousand crashes seen in the US every year. Which accounts for thirty thousand of our deaths each year. So it has to be a good thing right? You just need to look at it this way. A computer, just does the task that is asked of it, period. Humans, as I stated above, are multi-tasking to extremes, especially while driving. Unfortunately we don't do it very well. At least causing huge traffic flow issues, at worst encroaching on other's freedoms. (Death or injury, physical and mental).