Kentucky House 3D CAD
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Computer Aided Design (CAD) Solutions

Computer Aided Design or CAD for short, has taken over the laborious hand work that was required for all technical drawings. Now highly sophisticated programs do 90% of the drawing assembly for you. Allowing the designer to complete drawings in a fraction of the time. But that is not the best part. That is making changes, which used to entail completely redrawing everything, can now be done in seconds. Also the smart program will realign and test everything for you.

With this speed and ease, one can do drawings for every project, no matter how large or small.

The nice thing about being able to draw in such detail, is that you can present your clients with fully rendered, photo realistic imagery. This allows the client to visualize the finished project and your design more easily.

CAD is also used extensively in manufacturing, allowing for rapid prototyping as well as every form of product build, utilizing Computer Numerical Control or CNC machining. All under the umbrella of Computer-Aided Manufacturing. Which has led to an increase in manufacturing speed, drastic cost reduction, and high precision accuracy, like we have never seen before. And in some cases being able to build objects never possible before. Like nano scale items as those found in computers and medical equipment, or sophisticated shapes that can only be created with additive manufacture, better known as 3D printing.

Everything that is created starts with CAD.