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Audio Video Facilities

A/V facilities are an important resource, spanning the globe. Required for the production of audio and video for the music, film, theater, news, and gaming industries. They range from small bedroom suites, up to a mega multi-studio complexes. Costing from just a few thousand dollars to multi millions.

The two main parts of the studio design, are the Isolation and Acoustics. Isolation can be a challenge, especially where space is a premium. Also the surrounding environment's noise can have a big impact on the isolation needs. Acoustics, is a highly personal thing. With many opinions on what make a "good" studio.

The key is to have some level of uniformity in the acoustics. There are many theories to what is the perfect studio environment. Most of the time it is a trade off, with available space, cost and aesthetics. The key is to build them with similar characteristics, but with differing ranges of sound, which will make them unique.

Having built many studios over the years, working with the leading authority in studio design and build in the UK, The Studio People, we can be a valuable resource in your next studio project. From design to turn key construction, no job is too small nor too big. The key is to find a great location that fits your needs, then allocate a budget. We can generally find a solution that will fit any budget.

The images above show some of the projects that we have turn-keyed. From Kuwait to Manchester, UK. From bedroom composer suites to a mega radio station. Technology is always changing, so it is important to keep clued into what is available. With our ongoing association with The Studio People UK, we can offer the very best quality and technical knowhow, essential to creating the near perfect studio environment.