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Social Change

"Truth is, there is something very wrong with this country" - V for Vendetta. In fact that statement holds true for the world. Once the late great Carl Sagan posed the question. If we were visited by a superior species from another part of the galaxy, and asked about our stewardship of our planet, would we be proud of what we have done, and how we live our lives, and treat our fellow man. In some things, it would be yes. But that would be severely outweighed by the poverty, death and destruction all around us. Usually inspired by greed.

We (human kind) are on the brink of stepping to the next level. (Level One, as Astrophysicists put it.) That is going to be a huge jump. One which in all probability we will not survive. You hear people saying, we are killing the planet. That statement is so wrong. What we are actually doing, is destroying the ecosystem that supports human life. The planet will still be here long after humans have gone the way of the dinosaur.

We have something going on, that our ancient friends did not. A superior intelligence. But if we don't start using the other ninety percent of our brain, it will be too late. As luck would have it, we are blessed with the WWW (World Wide Web). With an estimated fifty percent of the world connected in some way, there is no reason to be ignorant about the facts. However, it is not the other person's job, to fight the good fight. While the rest of us site back and reap the spoils our predecessor activists have afforded us. Every little helps. The start, is like any problem. You have to admit there is a problem. So check out alternative news outlets. Get the "big" picture.

I have included some links in the images for you to check out. These are some of my favorite activist organizations and social awareness groups. The only way forward is to think outside the box (your box). Ever ask yourself why you perhaps are a Christian, or why you think your country is the best. The answer to them is simple. Probably ninety nine percent chance your parents were Christian, and you generally think where you come from is the best. It is self edification. But if you were brought up in India for instance you might think Hinduism, is the true way. Back to my old favorite, V for Vendetta, "It is all a matter of perspective."

Be the change you want to see in the world.