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Travel is what we all need to do. When you travel, you learn. The experience you gain from meeting new people with different ideologies, different foods, living in different environments and different cultures, will make you grow as a person and citizen of the world. It is too easy to get our views and attitudes, from mass media. Unfortunately they are all biased. Thus will paint for you, their view of the world, pushing whatever agenda they are hoping to achieve . As Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix, "I can show you the door, but you have to walk through it." Only ourselves can experience life.

Almost all of the world's people are just like us. Just trying to get by on "spaceship earth". There is so much to see, even here outside our back door. So start small. If you live in the USA, check out another state, you have never been to before. If in England, go to Ireland, Scotland or Jersey. Stay away from the "tourist" traps. Find some locals and let them show you the "real". As Ralph McTell once sang, "Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London". But always keep your mind and eyes wide open.

My role model and a source for cultural knowledge, at least for travel, is Dr David Keeling (big brother). He has been around a bit, to say the least. Just a look at his FB (Facebook) page, will give you an insight of what is on the other side, of your fence. When asked, he can give you a photo essay on just about any location or geographic topic, within minutes. So if you don't have the funds, hooking up with one of the thousands of people like Dr Keeling, will allow you to virtual travel. That way you can narrow down the specific places you would like to go, and what to expect when you get there.

I have put together a few images of places I have been to over the years. But I am just getting started.